What is A Trademark?

Trademark is any visual element produced by a person or entity used for marketing purposes.

Trademarks legally recognize visual elements of a product or brand are exclusive property of a certain party. Trademarks may take the form of words, phrases, symbol, design, or of these combinations that differentiates trademarks from each other.

Why do you need trademark registration?

A trademark legally protect you against counterfeiting and fraud.

Registered trademarks minimize the likelihood of confusion with an existing one. Other brands, businesses, or other parties cannot use elements that look or sound similar or have a similar meaning to the one you’ve registered.

Benefits of Registering Trademarks


Trademark owners have exclusive rights granted to use that mark in connection with specific goods or services. This exclusivity prevents others from using a confusingly similar mark in a way that could create confusion among consumers regarding the source of the products or services.


Registered trademarks are easy to find in a trademark availability search, which would prevent or discourage other parties from using similar marks.


Provides nationwide notice of ownership mark as of the registration date, thus preventing potential uses of the mark by other parties behind the claims of ‘good faith’.


Serves as evidence of the validity and exclusive ownership of the mark for the goods and services listed in the registration, with heightened protection after five years and the possibility of becoming ‘incontestable’, which can help not only in court proceedings but perhaps more importantly in quickly convincing others to cease using a mark without the need to go to court.
Trademark Services

The Integrated Service of Our Law Firm

Am Badar & Am Badar Intellectual Property law firm is highly experienced in assisting various trademark legal needs.

Trademark Search

Our Trademark Search service helps you search trademark applications that will later be registered.

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Trademark Opposition

Our Trademark Opposition attorneys are ready to help you protect your trademark.

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Trademark Renewal

Our Trademark Renewal service assists you in monitoring and informing you of the imposition of renewal fees.

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Trademark Prosecution

Our Trademark Prosecution service helps you strategize and make quality arguments to protect your trademark.

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Trademark Monitoring

Our Trademark Monitoring service performs regular monitoring to prevent any misuse.

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Trademark License

Our Trademark License service helps you to license the trademark to third parties through an agreement.

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